Monday, November 22, 2010

Doc's Tip of the Day -- Two handed Backhand

When preparing for the two handed backhand, reach straight back with both hands to the back fence. Do not reach back HIGH with your hands and arms. Keep the reach back about waist level with your hands. Keep the racquet tip above your hands. Your dominant arm should be almost straight with your non dominant arm bent and relaxed when you reach back.
And I emphasize that you must turn your shoulders, especially your front shoulder where a majority of your back is facing your opponent or net when you take the racquet back. ay

Doc's Tip of the Day -- Two Handed Backhand

When learning the two handed backhand, make sure you first learn the proper grips with both hands. The dominant hand should be a strict continental grip at a minimum. The non dominant hand should be a semi western grip.
Next, you should practice hitting a lot of non dominant hand forehands from the short court. Also, practice hitting some one handed backhands with the dominant hand's continental (or greater) grip.
Then when you use both hands on the grip it should be easier to learn.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Doc's Tip of the Day -- Serve Tech

if you want to learn how to properly hit an effective topspin serve, you must be able to push your hips out and or bow your back as you are descending(bending) into the loaded position. goy